

Mind-Body Connection

I practice what I believe in and hold a promise as your practitioner to consistently evolve through lifelong learning, experience, and self development. As a healer in healing, I have personal experience with and receive care in each of the treatment modalities that I am specialized in and each one has changed my life.

I view our therapeutic partnership as a long-term commitment and one that you may find to be a lifelong process of healing beyond our sessions. We will get to know another through conversation about your current life experiences, sharing about your support network and resources, exploring practice in mindfulness, and learning your Human Design profile to identify your given energy type which is informative of your unique traits and communication style. This will likely take place over the first several sessions and beyond. Your care will be immersive and may include the full spectrum of trauma-informed specialized modalities offered including getting your story straight through the Healing Our Cores Issues (HOCI) framework along with the incorporation of desensitization and reprocessing techniques of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and somatic (body-centered) or sensorimotor-informed regulation focused protocols of Transforming the Experience-based Brain (TEB)® through Transforming Touch® or Intentional Touch®. While these options are all available in your care with me at Sunday Therapy, you will always be informed and have choice in regard to what you prefer.

This organically-paced progression of relational care welcomes a natural evolution of trust, attachment, and safety in the therapeutic partnership. It will also guide and develop the skill of tuning inward promoting self-determination and elevating esteem as you become the functional wise adult that you have been yearning for. This therapeutic alliance does require your presence, honesty, and commitment to the process and the relationship. For this reason, I request the weekly to bi-weekly sessions for a minimum of the first three months of initiating care.

My Approach to Care

  • Resourcing refers to the process of guiding a person to cultivate internal and external tools that can support personal healing and growth. This involves identifying and strengthening the existing qualities and abilities, as well as helping to tap into new coping strategies, inner knowing, and support systems.

    Internal resources may include self-awareness, self-compassion, mindfulness, and emotional regulation strategies. External resources may include trusting secure relationships, community spaces, and nature. Spiritual practice may encompass both.

    The goal of resourcing is to help you feel empowered and capable of managing challenges and achieving goals. By building a strong foundation of inner and external resources, you can more functionally navigate difficult emotions, relationships, and life transitions, and ultimately create a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

  • Relational care at Sunday Therapy is centered on building and maintaining a healthy relationship in the therapeutic space. It involves empathy and being present to your physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual needs and wants. The goal of relational care is to create a safe haven environment where you feel valued, seen, heard and accepted.

  • Engaging in therapy and personal healing is not a one-time event. You are on your path or beginning your discovery of taking responsibility for your emotional wellbeing, self-awareness, self-compassion, and acceptance of past woundings. This is a purposeful encounter for learning and grounding in self-love.

“No recovery from trauma is possible without attending to issues of safety, care for the self, reparative connections to other human beings, and a renewed faith in the universe. The therapist’s job is not just to be a witness to this process but to teach [you] how.”

— Dr. Janina Fisher

A caucasian woman with dark brown hair in a ponytail sitting on the floor in front of a tan couch with a lamp in the background one hand resting on books and the other hand holding a mug resting atop her bent knee.

Care for Individuals & Couples

I work with emerging adults (ages 18-29) and adults (ages 30+) providing individual and couples psychotherapy sessions of 50 or 80-minutes. I do not work with minors at this time. I approach care from a person-first nonjudgmental nonpathologizing presence. As a guide, I may pull from various models of thought including EMDR, HOCI, TEB, family systems, developmental, attachment, transactional analysis, cognitive, behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, Acceptance and Commitment (ACT), trauma-informed, Polyvagal, and somatic healing. I may also introduce transformative tools like Human Design and holistic wellness insights from advanced education in personal training and nutrition coaching. I trust and believe in you to come into the therapeutic space with an open-mind, vulnerable heart, and with courageous expression to fully embrace the person you are.

Care is available in person in Minnesota at my Bloomington, MN office location and virtual for individuals residing in Minnesota or Massachusetts.

What You Can Expect & What’s Expected of You

Your first visit will be a 90-minute session for which I will review your pre-submitted paperwork which will begin your comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment, and we will have conversation about your goals in seeking a therapeutic partnership. We will get to know one another over several sessions to move with confidence that we are compatible for your needs and personal or relational trajectory. If any of us feels that we are not a good fit to achieve the therapy goals, that is okay, and I will assist you with resources to ensure that you do find the professional who is right for your needs at this time.

For each session following your initial visit, you will have a choice to schedule 50 or 80 minutes. The 80-minute sessions are often most valuable in supporting work with EMDR, TEB, and family of origin. You may also find it helpful to schedule a consistent appointment day and time which is available upon request. In the first three months of beginning care, I do request a commitment of weekly to bi-weekly sessions as we establish a foundation of familiarity and trust in setting the groundwork to achieve your goals. It is preferred to schedule a consistent day and time for this period.

  • A healing and trusting relationship with your therapist that provides space for self-exploration, development of reality, and validation of lived experience.

    A partnership for defining your goals and getting clear on action steps to achieve them.

    A fully present mental health professional who cares for you.

    A safe, non-shaming, inclusive space in a private, professional setting.

    Gentle self-discovery, understanding, clarity, and connection.

  • An open mind and willingness to learn about yourself, your relationships, and your behaviors.

    A readiness for change and accountability for yourself.

    Active participation in honest conversation and expression of your lived experience.

    Effort outside of scheduled sessions to engage in self-awareness and mindfulness practices.

    Self-compassion to explore unfamiliar emotions, discomfort, and harmful patterns of behavior.

    Commitment to the therapeutic partnership and trust in the process.

    To honor and abide by agency policies and payment for services. This includes sharing any complaints, issues, concerns, or questions up-front as soon as they arise.

  • To take a gentle approach as we uncover areas of personal pain and suffering.

    To ask uncomfortable questions at times. I would rather ask and possibly offend you than never ask and possibly never allow space for you live in your true authentic self.

    I will tell you the truth.

    I will honor your boundaries.

    To sit with you through hard moments, hold space for big emotions, accept you for who you are, and celebrate your uniqueness.

    To be committed to continued learning and professional evolution in therapeutic practice. This includes techniques and modalities, areas of interest, and theoretical frameworks to enrich our work.

    To stay aligned within my field of knowledge and redirect you for areas that are not within my scope.